Hi! My name is Jon, and I am very excited you stopped by my little corner of the digital world.
I decided to create this website and blog to provide you with some of the technical knowledge and know-how I've gained through the years.
So, who am I and what kind of experience do I have? By day, I am an enterprise software architect, primarily focused on the design and implementation of complex order management systems in retail, telecommunications and healthcare. I have been doing this for nearly 20 years.
I am also a scuba diver and underwater photographer / videographer. I've been blowing bubbles for over 20 years.
I started a YouTube channel in 2016 to post some of my dive videos. Mostly, they were short clips I cut together very quickly using the software that came with my GoPro. I quickly realized that I wanted to do better, and started learning about how to create and edit videos.
So, what's with the site name? That's actually a play on the phrase Deus ex Machina, which translates from Latin to "God from the Machine". In Ancient Greek theater, an actor playing the role of one of the gods would be lowered down to the stage by a crane, where he would provide the solution to whatever struggle was plaguing the characters in the story. Now, the phrase is typically used to describe a plot device where an unexpected power or event saves what appears to be a hopeless situation.
I'm hoping that I am able to provide you with the knowledge to get through whatever hopeless technical situation you might find yourself.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy your time here! Feel free to send me a note via the Contact page, and also, sign up for my newsletter via the Subscribe Now button.
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